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Expandable File with Flap
  • Expandable File with Flap
  • Expansion of 5-1/4 in. Polyvinyl. For legal size documents. Stitched cloth reinforced edges. Elastic closure. Black....
  • Winnable
  • 100727
Protective File Pockets
Protective File Pockets
Protective File Pockets
Pressboard Classification Folders
End Tab File Folder
End Tab File Folder
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folder
Classification Folder
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners
Classification Folders with Fasteners