- Brute® Pail
- Molded graduated scale for accurate measuring. Heavy-duty thick wall construction. 13.2 litres. Sold by each. Grey....
- Rubbermaid Commercial
- Mop Handle
- Fiberglass. Durable, lightweight handle with hinged gate. Thumb release mechanism for mop head replacement. 60 in long. Sold by each. Yellow....
- Rubbermaid Commercial
- Deskside Recycling Wastebasket
- Space-efficient and economical. Fits under standard desk height, even when optional swing top is fully extended. All-plastic construction; won’t chip, rust or dent. Rolled rim adds strength, and is easy to clean. Medium. 26.6 L. 14-1/4 x 10-1/4 x 15 in. Sold by each. Blue....
- Rubbermaid Commercial
- Polyester Broom
- One-handed cleaning under tables, chairs, and hard-to-reach areas is easy with this angle broom. With water-absorbent polyester bristles for all types of messes. 35 in high. Sold by each. Black....
- Rubbermaid Commercial